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The Endgame of Endsars and the Price of Peace – A Press Release by the Custodians of National Conscience (CNC)

On the  Anniversary of the EndSars Protests, here are  5 hard truths and 3 action items we must embrace to make Peace and Progress a reality in Nigeria.


Excerpts below:




… Time they say heals all wounds, but the passage of 1,000 years will not turn a falsehood into a truth. In like manner, failure will not turn to success by itself after several decades just as a lie will never become a truth because centuries have passed.


HARD TRUTH 1. There must be no doubt that the nation we inherited at independence was wired with the forces of its own disintegration and destruction by a deliberate design. The inspired notes of the liberation fathers speak clearly about these arcane implants that were crafted to keep us ever failing without falling.



Knowing that everything rises and falls with leadership, we were impregnated with a fractured leadership selection device to ensure that mediocrity would forever rule over competence.


This has been with us right from independence till date and is the reason why our core problems were never addressed. In this wise the tail replaces the head while the head is demoted to serve the tail.



In this sense, every Nigerian is a victim of history because the leadership structures that put an electrician to do the job of a doctor, and an engineer to serve as a Carpenter. is primarily responsible for the mess we are in today.


Wherever humanity is devalued and degraded, all other forms of corruption will be multiplied with impunity, as we are now experiencing.


It should be no surprise therefore that we are a Country that has sent its youths to the stream with baskets and sieves to fetch water.

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